Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Zoo In The Rain

This morning's rain required a change of plans in the monkey home. We were planning on moving TONS (literally) of dirt and heading to the water park in the afternoon. Instead, we headed to the zoo... IN THE RAIN! It was FABULOUS! Hardly any other crazy people there. Animals acting goofy in the rain and two monkeys walking around with little umbrellas. Of course I forgot my camera (sitting on the washing machine where I was packing the backpack!) but you've seen a hundred photos of my kids at the zoo anyway so no big. The one thing we did new today was to purchase a "zoo key" for a nominal fee. The kids had a blast hunting up the zoo kiosks and taking turns inserting the key. Each animal kiosk features a different animal and would play a song and tell you some fun facts about that creature. I think there are 24 kiosks total in the zoo but we only found about half. Once purchased, the keys are ours to keep so each time we return to the zoo we can bring our key and listen again. The kids thought that was very special, indeed. They're hoping in rains again tomorrow! I, on the other hand, would appreciate some dry weather for a change!

1 comment:

  1. How fun! Maybe we can work in a trip the next time I come to the big "W". By the way where is all of that dirt going? Love to all Mom
