Friday, May 14, 2010

Cancer Update

Logan had his cancer doctor checkup on Wednesday and all is well in the monkey home! Still no sign of cancer. : ) He hates having the arm poke once a month for the blood test, but he's happy not to have the tubies anymore so he can swim in the creek, lake, ocean or community pool. All in all, not a bad exchange in his mind. He is so funny, too, when we get the CBC print out (the blood test). He reads over my shoulder even though he can't interpret any of the letters and numbers and asks "Does it say I don't have cancer?" to which I reply "Yep, NO CANCER!" and he jumps around hooping and hollering while doing the "no cancer dance". Very cute! We get some looks ('cus we're still in the lab waiting room at this point), but who cares. We don't know those people anyway! : )


  1. Fantastic news!!! Dance away...

  2. Yea and I agree let Logan do all the screaming and jumping around that he wants when he gets that news!!

  3. Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Great news!
