Monday, November 15, 2010

Amanda's New Doo

Amanda has decided, in all her worldliness, that her hair style just doesn't fit her image any longer. Today, I took her to the salon for a new doo.

Here are some before shots to remind you... It was always a tangled mess (and the girl tried VERY hard to keep it brushed but it always ended up looking like this), and always in her face because she's not so good at keeping her hair diddies in her hair.

And her curls just weren't perky anymore.

The lady at the salon was SHOCKED when Amanda showed her how short she wanted her hair cut! We had to make her go back THREE TIMES to get the right length. But in the end, the head strong 5 year old got what she envisioned.

A cute and perky bob!
"Happy Days Are Here Again!"


  1. She is lovely! Most of her genetic makeup must come from Eric, because she is certainly different from her mother! No jeans and loves pink. Love to all, Mom

  2. But she's got her mama's good looks!

  3. What a cutie!! She's adorable no matter what her hair looks like though. Glad she was happy with it!
