Friday, September 3, 2010

September Doctor's Visit

Once a month Eric's blood pressure rises as we await the results of Logan's monthly blood tests. This month, as have the last 9 months, gave him some relief. Still nothing to indicate that the cancer has returned!

Logan was given the all clear from his Doctor yesterday so 30 more days of bliss in the Monkey Home until we repeat again next month.

And this month, Logan did the BEST EVER at giving blood! It's a little sad that being brave with a needle has become a life skill for him, but that's how it goes sometimes. He chose for his dad to go in with him (as he usually does if Eric joins us... I try not to take it personally) and Eric said he just tensed up and did some fast breathing through his mouth. In the waiting room I didn't hear a word (or scream) and I was quite surprised. Usually he says "I DON'T WANT TO" or "NO, NO, NO, OWWWWWWWWWWW" but that's all before the needle goes in. After he gets stuck he's all "That wasn't so bad". So I guess he remembers from last time and is not letting the anticipation get to him. GO LOGAN! : )