Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Future Husband Training

Eric likes to call it "domestic engineering."

I, on the other hand, look at this as my son's future marketability.

- That's right little ladies. He cooks, cleans, AND irons the clothes! Logan BEGGED me to let him help me iron some clothes.

"I'll be super careful!"
Then he flipped it over to iron the other side!

And was careful to smooth it out just so.


Now all nice and pressed and ready for the consignment sale.
Good job, Logan. Only 124 more pieces to go! : )
Now I know this will make you all SUPER jealous, but Amanda is counting the days until SHE is 6 and a half years old and can help me iron too! HA, HA, HAAAAA!!!
I've sure got those two fooled!


  1. I haven't touched an iron in years. Don't let her brainwash you like that, Logan. They make driers for than now. Two words-steam cycle.

    Good thinking on that marketability thing, though. We don't want them living under our rooves until they're 35, do we?!

  2. Domestic engineering, ha!

    Jordan used to iron all our clothes when we first started dating - I still have never used an iron to this day.
