Monday, September 13, 2010

Photos and Class Helper

Amanda had her class pictures today... I love the people who do these photos. They take 6 photos (as opposed to Logan's ONE) and have an awesome background, plus you get the proofs THAT DAY! Here are the pictures I took of the pictures they gave me. : )

My camera didn't focus right... it's a lovely photo in person.

So, grandparents, aunts, and so forth, feel free to let me know which photos you would like of our lovely Amanda (and what size) and I'll get the order placed.
While Amanda was getting her picture taken at preschool today I went to Logan's school to volunteer in his classroom. I'll be helping to do some one on one work with the kids for 45 minutes each Monday. Logan was super excited to see me, and his lovely teacher was kind enough to give him first turn with his "mommy helper" today. I think I got 50 hugs and about 35 kisses before I left... and he was only marginally sad to be staying behind to finish the school day. All in all, a roaring success!


  1. Those pictures are GREAT! You're going to have a hard time choosing!

  2. She looks beautiful. I love her outfit. Winter has been asking every day since Sat. when she can see Amanda again. She wanted us to drive down to your house tonight so she could play.
