Friday, October 15, 2010

Skippin' School

So, the Monkey House skipped out on school and work today in favor of celebrating Amanda's birthday at her location of choice... SILVER DOLLAR CITY!! With October being such a busy month, this was the best option for us and the kids were super excited to be missing a day of school in favor of an amusement park.

The first stop at The City was Marvel Cave... we discovered this trip that the cave is what brought The City into being. Apparently the shops and such were built to give people something to do while they waited for their tour! We wanted to do this first thing since it's SO much walking and we KNEW the kids wouldn't be up for after a few hours of walking up and down the hills in the park.

Amanda and Logan were touching some bat guano... until we told them what that was! HA!

One of many awesome formation photos...
Then we had a shoot'm up good 'ol time in the Flooded Mine.
And Rode some roller coasters.
Eric and Amanda are three cars back... Yellow and red shirts. Logan chose the VERY back and he's big enough to ride ALL BY HIMSELF!
We went on to ride a BUNCH more, but since the kids are tall enough to ride with us (on most rides), we didn't get many photos of that. The best news is that we have a two day park pass so we'll be back for more fun tomorrow!!! Lets just hope that Logan doesn't wake up at 5 a.m. AGAIN because he's TOO EXCITED TO SLEEP!


  1. Did Amanda think of this all by herself? or did she have some help from Mom who is still just a big kid herself.

  2. She came up the the idea of going to an amusement park... I did pull up the Silver Dollar City website and look at the photos of the rides and height requirements and she decided that that was where she wanted to go.

  3. Love the cave pics. I used to love goign to caves as a kid, but haven't been to one in years. Looks like you had fun!

  4. FUN! How exciting to take a day off school....! :)

  5. That trip looked really fun! I'm glad Amanda had a great birthday!

  6. Looks like you all had a great time! Happy (belated) birthday to Amanda!!
