Wednesday, October 13, 2010

My Baby is 5!

Happy Birthday, Baby Girl!

She celebrated this morning with her friends at preschool. Then Amanda chose her birthday lunch spot. She wanted to eat at the "purple rice place" which is Zen Vegetarian Restaurant...

Here she is with the highly coveted purple rice. We know she's a little odd... but she's a keeper so we live with it! : )
It was a girls only lunch date.

I guess not many kids choose Zen for their birthday meals so the hostess improvised and made a sucker bouquet for our girl. Very sweet.

We then hurried over to the zoo for the Ewe and Me program... we learn all about BATS!

Back home she discovered a present from Grandma Gayle and Grandpa Phil.
Very pretty to look at, but hard to get into since Grandma used multiple strips of colored DUCT TAPE to dress up the package!
Still working on it...

GOT IT! Opening the box was half the fun!

Then Daddy brought home some dry ice to play with. They made sparkle drinks in the punch bowl and chilled them with the ice. Lots of fun there, I tell you!

For Amanda's special birthday dinner, she chose to have cake, cake, and some more cake.

Sounds good to me, Sweet Heart. For one special day, you can eat all the cake you like.