Monday, October 4, 2010

A New Job and New Schedule

Today I started my new job at Amanda's preschool. I'll be teaching Monday, Wednesday, and Friday in the "new" classroom so Amanda has been moved from afternoon preschool to morning to accommodate my new schedule (but she is in the "other" classroom). We won't be able to be as active with the Stay At Home Mom's Group now, as most of those events take place during preschool, but we'll still try to get out as often as possible to see our friends. Amanda has several girls from last year's class that she knows in the morning class so her transition today went very well. She also likes being able to help me before and after classes getting things setup or cleaned up. Hopefully we'll both LOVE this new arrangement. WISH US LUCK!


  1. I'm happy for you, I really am! Maybe by putting it in print, I'll start to believe it. But that's just my selfish side trying to say "I'll miss you!"

  2. I am glad it went well but I will miss you. We need to start planning afternoon playdates.
