Thursday, October 21, 2010

New Bling

One of the things Amanda requested for her birthday was to have her ears pierced. Today was our first "free" day since her birthday that we could make the trip to the mall. We took her friend "V" with us for moral support (V already had her ears done...).

Here are the girls before the big event... Amanda is a little nervous but very determined.

She did great... but even though I prepared her by talking about what to expect and that it hurt like getting a shot (or being pinched) I think she was still surprised when the earring when in. She was a trooper though, just laughed it off (like her dad does when he's in pain) and held still for the other ear (even if it was in the fetal position).

So, check out Amanda's new bling!

Her favorite food in the world is a giant salted pretzel. I took the girls to the food court to celebrate this right of passage with some good old fashioned CARBS!


A very happy little girl!


  1. She's even prettier!!! Nice bling Amanda!

  2. Wow! The 'new bling' looks great! She looks like a little lady now. I like carbs too :)
