Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Our Busy Weekend

October is always a busy month for us... Eric's Birthday, Amanda's Birthday, Halloween, Fall Festivals, pumpkin patches, and so much more keep us a-hoppin. Last weekend we met Eric's sister and the two K's at Melvern Lake for a camping trip. Amanda and her younger K cousin are only 8 days apart in age so we wanted to get the girls (affectionately called The Gremlins) together between their birthdays. I, sadly, forgot to take my camera, but Eric's sister took tons of photos... (Hey, V! Where the heck is YOUR blog???) : ) Maybe she'll send me some... HINT, HINT!!!

On Sunday, Logan had his Camp Quality reunion at a local pumpkin patch... Here are the highlights.

Amanda is showing us all her colored fingers in the mini corn maze... Find each station and color your finger with chalk. Very fun and quite ingenious!

Feeding some animals... Is your momma a lama? One of our personal favs!
Look at the critters lined up for a snack! Logan and Amanda are getting instructions on how to feed a donkey without getting their fingers bit.

Here is their "pumpkin patch". Not at all like Charlie Brown's but I guess we'll take it.
Amanda was smitten with the wedding scarecrow.
We arrived at the patch via a tractor hay ride.

Here's the monster that Logan picked out.

Back on the wagon for the ride back.

We also tried out some caramel apples. This was a first for the kids.

Amanda was not impressed, but Logan said YUM!

Notice how many photos I'm in for a change? My camera (that I forgot to take to the camp out) DID make it to the pumpkin patch only to discover that the battery was dead. These were all taken by Eric's cellphone. By the way, Eric swears that Logan is a dead ringer for George W. Bush in this photo!

And our little princess got her face painted. She was on cloud nine.
Right before we left, Logan's buddies from camp (see behind him... yeah, those big guys were his councilors. And great role models I'm sure) talked him into throwing a ninja star.... Eric wasn't fast enough with the camera to catch the hit, but he was VERY close to the bulls eye. However, I don't think I'll be encouraging this kind of future activity for my little guy.


  1. Looks like fun! Amanda makes such a cute puppy dog in the "George W." picture.

  2. WHAT?? Their FIRST carmel apple?...Diane, you must be depriving these kids or something! :)
