Monday, April 5, 2010

The Benefits of Being Born Second!

There are many, many benefits of being born second, as Eric and I both know first hand. Now Amanda is starting to realize some of those benefits as well. We have really been working hard on sight words with Logan for the past two months. The kids watch sight word movies in the car while driving around town, read flash cards daily, and play the what did I write game at dinner. Last night at dinner I wrote a five word sentence for Logan to read. Amanda leaned over before he could say anything and said "zoo" (the last word in the sentence). I was shocked! I've been working on teaching her letter recognition for preschool (and she still doesn't know all the letters by sight yet) but even so, the word zoo isn't even one of Logan's sight words that she would have been exposed to. So I asked. "How did you know that word was zoo?" she replied "Mom, everybody knows zoo." Oh really, prodigy child? Then she does it AGAIN with another word "we". Now I know these are not difficult words, but for a child to recognize the word before she can tell me the letter is a little amazing to me. So we sat down on the couch to go through Logan's sight word flash cards. She knew 7 of them right off the bat! If only we knew of this phenomenon when Logan was 4!!!! Sorry man. That's the problem with being born first (right Vanessa and Angie? : ). You have to educate yourself, your parents, AND your little sister!!!! : )

1 comment:

  1. How awesome! She sounds very motivated to teach herself...great job mom!
