Saturday, April 3, 2010

Ballet and Bunnies

Amanda's first ballet class was today. She was the fanciest ballet dancer in the whole class! We DO have regular ballet slippers but we could only find one so the Fancy Nancy ones had to substitute for a day. And she got a wonderful ballerina sticker for doing so well in class.

Then I wanted to post a few photos from the Easter egg hunt my Wichita Moms group hosted on Thursday. Here is my girl hanging with her three best buddies.

Hopping down the bunny trail. : )

Hunting up some eggs!


  1. Her little ballet gut-up is adorable! Very fancy!

  2. Yes, what a cute little ballerina! :)

  3. She has confidence oozing out of her. I don't think there is anything that she can't do if she wants to. I think she is overwhelming that little girl behind her in the first picture. What a happy child! She throws herself into everything full tilt. Did she win the bunny hop? Love to all Mom Love the pictures! Looking forward to seeing them both in person.
