Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Don't Tell Logan

Amanda and I had a LOVELY day cleaning, organizing and playing in her room.

Since they never close their closet doors anyway, Eric and I temporally took them off completely. We also discovered that Amanda's room just isn't big enough for her huge dresser (that fit perfectly in the other house) so we moved all her dresser clothes to closet. We'll see how long that lasts.

We had a picnic lunch in her room at her little table. Not much room for the food, but lots of fun!

Now all we need is come curtains to cut down on the glare!
P.S. Please don't tell Logan this is how we spent our day. He wasn't very happy about going to school today... Poor guy. He's got a long road ahead of him if he's already dragging in Kindergarten.


  1. These pictures are SO cute. Amanda is just adorable!!! And such a sweet, organized room. I know another purple room that could use some attention... ;)

  2. What a fun day!!! Bella and I went to the park while Garrett was at school and we are NOT telling him. He would be sooooo mad.
