Saturday, August 7, 2010

Police Man VS Gymnast

Sorry to the delay in the post of our fun activities this week. It's been HOT and we've spent a lot of time at the pool, however it's hard to get some good photos there. Here are some other highlights from our week.

Tuesday was National Night Out were area police departments sponsor actives in the community to promote safety awareness. Logan and Amanda spend over 30 minutes checking out the KBI wagon. The police officer were was super nice and took Logan on a behind the scenes tour.

He even turned on the power so Logan could push buttons and slip switches. The boy was in heaven! And now he how wants to be a police officer when he grows up! My how the wind does change.

There were also some large utility vehicles like this giant street sweeper that the kids could explore...

But it just couldn't compare to the awesome police truck!

Friday we went to a birthday party for a friend at the local YMCA. It was a gymnastics party with tons of cool bars, beams and obstacle courses to try, but our family spent the majority of the time in the foam pit!

So the idea is that you jump down the long trampoline and dive into the foam pit at the end. I tried to get some action shots and they turned out okay... there wasn't a lot of light to work with (and some VERY fast action!)

Then Logan go the idea to bury his father in foam.

Peek, I see you!

Who knows, maybe Logan will want to be a gymnast next. Does that pay well?

1 comment:

  1. Tell Logan that Grandma votes for something like a computer geek, or an insurance salesman. Being a police officer means too many BAD GUYS, terrible pay and you have to share all the cool trucks with other sweaty police officers! TeeHee. As for Amanda - something where being cute helps, a little attitude doesn't hurt, and having an opinion is necessary! A newscaster maybe? We could use someone to balance out the Barbara Walters of the world. LOVE the video; had no idea Logan was that good on his bike. Now who will go out lobbying to have sidewalks put in so he'll have more places to ride?

    Hugs to Everyone - Grandma Gayle
