Monday, March 20, 2017

Persuasive Young Man

We are back home again.  They released Logan from the hospital this evening after his persuasive discussion with the doctors as to why he would be better off at home rather than in the hospital.  They wanted to keep him for observation and IV hydration while they waited for some test results to come back.  Logan was worried about a neighbor we had at the hospital that had the flu and was willing to volunteer his parents to drive him to the clinic tomorrow and Wednesday for necessary blood work and check up.  The doctors, while not happy with the arrangement, could not deny my child his greatest wish...  to sleep in his own bed.  Logan has agreed to 24 hour IV fluids here at home so he will stay well hydrated while his body fights a virus causing some bleeding in his bladder.  They believe that the bleeding is from the BK virus that was laying dormant in his body and flared up when his immune system was weakened with the transplant.  Since he is on immunosuppressant drugs the doctors will watch him closely to make sure he doesn't experience any further complications from the virus.      

Therefore, Logan will be lugging around a backpack loaded down with two IV pumps and a few pounds of fluid as part of his agreement with the doctors today.  His rash responded well to the IV steroids and they have added a topical steroid cream to keep the GVHD in check.  Even better news, his body is making lots of red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets!  Hgb was 11.9 this morning, ANC is over 5,000 and best of all, platelets jumped from 56 yesterday to 67 today even with all the bleeding!  No transfusions needed!!!!  

1 comment:

  1. Great job Logan! I'm glad you are home. I am glad for baby steps forward. And praying God heals him from the virus and keeps him on this path of complete healing. You are all troopers and I have so much respect for you due to your positive attitude- Logan is lucky to have such a great family to support him.
