Monday, May 11, 2015

My Mother's Day

Since I am an non-traditional kind of woman, I got an non-traditional Mother's Day gift.


It came with a cool new garden cart and some manual labor to move that giant pile. 

 This is the project I came home to on Saturday evening after a long day at work.  My Monkeys are building a rock garden for me!  Of course we all know that Eric is the mastermind behind this.  Thank you Honey!

 They are taking the large rocks from out front to line the back of the fence (so our little rocks won't roll under into the neighbors yard).  They are also replacing the rock out front with a small rock border.  I know it will look awesome when it's done.  I'll post the after photos when it's finished.  It's a big job and we are a busy family so it may be a few weeks.

Under one of the rocks Logan found a little ring-necked snake.  We relocated him to the tomato garden for safety while we worked on moving the big rocks.

Logan also made me a card.  If you are having a hard time reading the photo it says... "One huge coupon!  You won a free foot massage and a room clean in your room!  You also have 2 bathrooms clean upstairs!  1 You can make me do anything you want."

Also from Logan I received two blackberry bushes!  YUM YUM!
Amanda gifted me with a hanging flower basket that she personalized.  I heard from Eric that she spent a lot of time finding just the right flower (no pink!). 

Amanda also made me a card. 

I'm impressed that she typed this (and thankful too since her handwriting is worse than mine and I'm not sure I would have been able to read it) because I know how long it takes her to type.

It says, "The Best Mom Ever.  My mother deserves to be on the cover of People Magazine for many reasons.  One reason she should be on the cover is because my mom is a very organized woman.  I know that, because every time we get bills, my mom pays them.  She is organized every time I walk in her room.  It's the cleanest in the house.  Another reason she should be on the cover is because my mom, Diane, is a very hard worker.  Every week she goes to one of her two jobs and makes money.  My mom works harder anyone else in our household.  Finally, my mom deserves to be on the cover is because she is an awesome cook!  If you tried her cake, you would be amazed!  Don't even get me started on her Pumpkin Casserole.  It's all warm and mushed up.  It has a yummy after taste.  These are just a handful of reasons why my mom deserves to be on the cover of People Magazine."

What sweet and loving little monkeys I have!

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