Saturday, August 31, 2013

The Train to Crazy


All aboard the CRAZY TRAIN

Today was Moving Day for the Monkey House.
Eric was on duty here at the hospital so Amanda and I, along with some wonderful family members, helped move our items into our temporary apartment.

After dropping everything off, Amanda and I came up for a visit.  Logan is feeling good today so the kids enjoyed some play in the hallways.

So this is how we entertain ourselves while being CRAZY bored in the hospital.

 And since Logan's blood counts are still high, we are allowed to wonder the grounds of the hospital between treatments.
 We found this lovely little garden...
... and a fun interactive exhibit.

Then we went out to the playground!

(if it's not dangerous, it's not fun!)

We finished off our crazy afternoon with a GIANT popsicle from the cafeteria.


  1. Looks like fun on that playground! :-) Hope all is going well as you settle into the new apartment!
