Sunday, May 8, 2011

A Funny for Mother's day

Well, I've had a wonderful Mother's day. I was served breakfast in bed, was showered with gifts and was granted my every hearts desire... which was to work in the yard : ). However, during one of our breaks Logan, Amanda, and I were talking in the kitchen while making a snack. I was trying to use up the goat cheese we have in the fridge and it prompted a discussion about where milk comes from...
Me - "We usually drink cow's milk, but all mammals make milk."
Am - "Even Daddy's?"
Me - "No. Only Mommy's can make milk."
Lo - "And you make it with your boobies, right?"
Me - "Right." : )
Am - "But boys have boobies."
Me - "No. Boys have nipples."
Lo - "Why do boys have nipples?"
Me - "I have no idea."
Am - "But I don't HAVE boobies!"
Me - "You'll have boobies someday."
Lo - "Hey, Mom. How old were you when your boobies popped out?"

Awwwww. Kids! Makes you want to have a few more, huh?

Happy Mother's Day to you all.

1 comment:

  1. LOL!! Love it! Sounds very similar to a conversation I've had a number of times with Ethan, except he still thinks it's okay to poke mine! :)
