Thursday, March 3, 2011

Bobcat Encounter?!?

Logan came home from playing at a friend's house yesterday with a story and a bloody face. He told me that he was hiking in the woods and came upon a bobcat and it attacked him. Of course, he had a HUGE smile on his face while he told the story and the injury didn't look like it was made by a large cat, but he still had a huge bloody wound on his face! After I hugged and loved on him and mopped up the blood he told me what really happened. He WAS in the woods, but apparently had a run in with a branch rather than a bobcat. Silly boy! It's not nice to try to fool your mom.
I didn't think to get a photo until after I clean him up. It doesn't look as bad in the photo as when he walked in the door, but it's still a big scratch and will probably leave a scar.

And since I didn't want it to become infected and run the chance of leaving a bigger scar I made him go to school today with a huge bandage on his face.

I'm sure he'll have to tell every one he runs into today how he gained his injury. I just wonder which story he'll tell...

1 comment:

  1. Poor Logan! I'm glad it was just a branch, and not a bobcat, though! Those storytellers :)
