Thursday, February 18, 2010

Birthday Bliss

It's been a little busy around here so please forgive me for this belated post about Logan's Birthday weekend.

Thursday (no school for him) we had to stay home to meet the delivery man (we have the counter top for our new wet bar in the basement now! YEA!) so he had an all you can play wii fest. Then when Amanda was at Preschool (weird that she had school and he didn't!) we had an check up at this cancer doctor... and all is well as expected.

Friday we hosted a playdate here and Logan was in HEAVEN because his friend E was able to join us. They don't see each other much now that they are both in Kindergarten and the had a ball running around doing "boy" things : ). After Lunch (and dragging Eric away from his computer... kicking and screaming) we packed up the car and headed for KC. Logan wanted to see his cousins for his birthday.

Saturday, Logan was able to do some target shooting with Gpa Phil and his dad... He was on cloud nine! Gpa Phil has a be be gun that he let Logan shoot and then the big boys brought out the big guns... Literally! (but don't worry, Logan didn't shoot those! : ) While the boys were busy pumping lead, the girls went into town to do some shopping and Amanda wanted a hair cut. Saturday afternoon we took Logan to a wrestling tournament his older cousin was competing in... for a crazy active (aggressive?) little guy like him it was pure bliss. Then Saturday night he got to spend the night a K and K's house! (more cousins) I have no clue how that went because Eric and I had a date night! : ) but he was a very happy little boy when we picked him up the next day.

Sunday's highlight was the Nerf gun war at my parents house. My mom, in a fit of inspiration, bought numerous Nerf guns and the 5 grand kids and various adults spent most of the day shooting foam darts at each other. What 6 year old wouldn't enjoy an 8 hour dart war!!??!? We headed back to Wichita around 7:00 Sunday night because stick-in-the-mud Eric had to WORK the next day... (Nasty little four letter word!)

Monday dawned and Logan woke up bright and early, dressed and was ready to head to Chuck E Cheese before the sun was up! We had to sadly wait until they opened their doors at 10 a.m., but the monkeys still had a bang up time! We had to end our party weekend on a sour note... Dentist check ups for both kids in the afternoon... but they both did GREAT! Logan went first to set a good example for Amanda and surprisingly, with all that chemo and suppressed immune system, his dental health didn't suffer! NO CAVITIES! Amanda did great as well (after her trip to the opthamologist, I had my doubts about her!) but after careful inspection, my baby girl has 3 cavities!!! Poor baby! I wonder if it has something to do with not having fluoride in our water... anyway, she goes back next Wednesday for fillings : (.

We haven't had a chance to give Logan his birthday present from us yet... it needs parental supervision of the male kind and Eric has been out of town all week (AGAIN!) Maybe we'll have time tonight (before swim lessons) to give it to him... MAN our life is busy!

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