Saturday, February 20, 2010

Beautiful Dress... Dirty Job

As you all know, my beautiful daughter really likes beautiful things, including this beautiful dress that Grandma Gayle bought her... Isn't see pretty? Well, my little princess doesn't mind getting a little dirty (in fact, she LOVES to get messy!) she just wants to be pretty while digging and scooping. Here are some photos and a video of Amanda Monkey helping me outside yesterday afternoon.

First... The beautiful dress:

Thank you, Grandma! She LOVES it!

Now, the dirty job... scooping dog poo. She insisted on doing it all by herself. She actually got mad at me when I got a different shovel to help. She came running up to me shouting "THAT'S MY POOP, MOM! Go find your own." (Wish I had that on video! ha ha ha)
I would think that she is the most beautiful girl EVER to scoop poop!

Don't worry, Grandma. She is VERY talented and didn't get a single speck of "dirt" on her beautiful dress!

Then, after our yard was completely clean, she decided to do some gardening : ).


  1. I love it not every girl can wear that color.I did notice that she changed into her older shoes to go outside. Good choice. Love Mom

  2. I'll let my husband know he has a future employee in waiting for his Scooper Joe's waste removal company! Not many "ladies" apply for that position! :) Cracks me up about planting bark...seems logical I suppose.

  3. I love the video! She is so cute. I just love the way kids think!
