Saturday, December 10, 2016

Family Birding Trip

Since we are still avoiding places with lots of germs Logan hasn't been getting out of the house much and is going a little stir crazy.  Today we all piled into the car and drove to Squaw Creek National Wildlife Refuge for some bird watching.
We spotted more than 30 eagles... but with only a dinky cell phone for photos this was the  best I could do...  Some day I  will remember my stinking camera!
Logan was in awe of thousands of snow geese.

We also spotted hundreds of trumpeter swans and a flock of about 20 sandhill cranes.  Eric and Amanda were good sports while Logan and I made them stop over and over again to look at this bird and that bird...  towards the end of the loop Logan spotted a monster buck chasing a little doe.  I wasn't fast enough to get a junky cell phone photo of that.


  1. Wow, that looks like an awesome adventure! I'm so glad that you were all able to get out of the house and do something fun! :-)

  2. Maybe Santa will give you a camera for Christmas that alarms every time you leave the house without it :)
