Monday, April 7, 2014

Dog Feet?

I recently took Logan and Amanda shoe shopping.  Each time we step into a shoe store we play the "what size do they wear now" game.  With Logan, the  last shoe I bought him was a size 6 so I guessed he would need a 7 now and I was right.  However a size 7 is between the "kid" shoes and the "adult" shoe size.  I found a few in the kid section and a few in the adult section but he didn't have a lot of selection.  None the less, he found the perfect shoe.  These bright Reebox caught his eye and when he tried them on he was sold!  He said they had a mini trampoline inserted into the sole.  He bounced when he walked.  FUN!

The poor child was down to one pair of shoes that fit so I needed to get him another pair so he would have some options.  He really liked the look and feel of these Tony Hawk shoes. 

 He calls them his around the house shoe, which is a little odd since he NEVER wears shoes around the house!  It's very interesting having a boy and a girl to compare.  Logan will wear the same shoe every day and doesn't worry if it "matches" his outfit.  Amanda... well, that's a different story.

But regardless of how many shoes a person already owns, when you grow bigger you need to get new ones.  The last pair of shoes I bought Amanda was a size 4 1/2 so I guessed she would need a 5 1/2.  WRONG!  Too small.  So she tried on a size 6.  Too tight.  Then she upgraded to a size 6 1/2.  It was okay, but still not quite right.  Then this 8 year old (4 foot 5 inch tall) child tries on a size 7 in WOMEN'S and the fit perfectly!!!!! 
This child already has a foot bigger than one of her grandmother's!  I couldn't believe it.  Not only that, but she is wearing the same size shoe as her 10 year old brother!  If the same saying goes for people like it does dogs (in regards to their foot size) then this girl is gonna be a rock star volleyball player!

1 comment:

  1. LOL, but your kids really do have big feet! My oldest is 8 and she's still in a size 2! :-)
