Thursday, January 23, 2014

Finding Time

Wow!  Hard to believe it's been 2 weeks since my last update.  A lot has happened, but we've been so busy I haven't had the time to post.  Well, let's be honest.  I HAVE had the time.  Every day I waste a good 8 hours just watching the inside of my eyelids.  I COULD have updated the blog then... I guess it just wasn't a priority at the time.

I have been busy homeschooling Logan, taking him to doctors appointments, taking care to the daily chores AND trying to get my business up and running here in our new town.  Eric has been busy with work lately too and has been out of town most of these last two weeks.

Last Friday was Logan's 100th day post transplant.  We have been anticipating this day with baited breath as the first 100 days are typically when you will see any major transplant complications.  He's not out of the woods yet, but we are all breathing a little easier.  He chose this ridiculously large cake to celebrate his special day.  Chocolate on Chocolate covered with Chocolate!!!

We have also had some warm weather lately.  Logan has taken advantage of this weather to practice his target shooting.  He really, really, REALLY wants to go squirrel hunting next month.  I hope I can handle this new hobby.  He got this CO2 pellet gun for Christmas... and he's a really good shot too!  We had a shooting contest and let's just say he's a better shot than me and leave it at that.

Funny Amanda photo.  She nibbled on this cracker until she had the perfect shirt shape.  AND LOOK!  IT FITS TOO!

We're going to the Zoo... One fine day we visited our local zoo.  It's really nice that Logan is getting more and more freedom in his activities.  He had to wear a mask when around crowds and I asked him to wear it as well when in the buildings with high humidity but he was a great sport.  I think he is happy to get back to normal living too.

Last update for today...The Wildlife.  We have really enjoyed the wildlife that comes to the creek behind our rental house.  The dogs have been very entertained watching out the windows and chasing the squirrels.  I didn't get a photo of this critter, because the dogs scared it away before I could grab my camera.  I caught a glimpse of its tail as it skittered way and there is no mistaking that it was a raccoon.  We have also seen a small herd of deer out our back windows.  Remember we are in the heart of town here!  I was very surprised to find 5 large deer wandering around.  It was still fairly dark so the photos didn't turn out great but I promise there were 5 total!

Then a different morning the dogs started barking like I've never heard before.  We hurried to the door to see what had them so fired up and it was hard to spot at first.  

This was a very cold and icy morning and this lonely stray snow goose was just walking around the neighborhood!

1 comment:

  1. I've been wondering about you guys! Happy 100th day to Logan! And, I love that cracker photo idea! Neat! Love all the wildlife too! Very entertaining! :-) Thanks for the updates!
