Friday, March 22, 2013

Roswell NM

This morning I woke up early (like usual) and enjoyed a beautiful morning watching the sun rise over the mountains, sipping my coffee and watching the birds.  I have had  very successful trip thus far in regards to my birding. I have added 8 new birds to my life list, counting the ones from yesterday, and also a Mountain Bluebird, White-winged Dove, Canyon Towhee, and Curved-bill Thrasher.  Amanda is not patient enough yet for birdwatching, but Logan is showing a lot of interest.

Popcorn... the breakfast of champions??  Hey, we're on vacation, man!

After breaking camp, we headed for Roswell New Mexico to take in the 1945 alien crash cover-up.  Another item marked off the bucket list! : )

 HA HA HA!!!!

Tonight we are doing some serious driving after hearing that our home state will be getting 4 to 6 inches of snow starting Saturday afternoon.  Unlike the spring break of 2010, we don't want to have to crawl home on snow packed roads, especially pulling a camper.  So we will get as close as we can tonight before exhaustion sets in.

By the way, Eric and I played the Roadkill Count and 50 States Licence Plate game to pass the time.  Here are our results:

Roadkill counts... Coyotes won with 17, Deer 10, Raccoon 8, Skunk 7, and Bobcat 1.  Let me tell you, it's not easy to identify dead animals flying by at 70 miles per hour!  We also had a few unknowns and one we couldn't agree on, but what prompted this morbid game was the disturbingly frequent dead coyotes we passed on our way through Oklahoma.  One section had 5 dead coyotes within a mile of each other, but did we pass a coyote crossing sign?  NOPE!  Poor fellas.  Guess no one cares about them. : (

Of the 50 States we could have seen, we spotted 33....
Kansas (duh), Oklahoma, Virginia  Oregon, Wisconsin, North Carolina, Texas, Iowa, Illinois, Florida, New Mexico, Minnesota  Missouri, California, Arkansas, Ohio, Tennessee  Colorado, Arizona, Indiana, Georgia  Washington, Louisiana, New York, Pennsylvania  Maine, Utah, Connecticut  Wyoming  Idaho, South Dakota  and Maryland.  Then on my way to visit my friend Megan the following weekend I spotted Hawaii and North Dakota but Eric said it didn't count since it was a separate trip.  : (

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