Wednesday, April 6, 2011

What A WEEK...

and it's only Wednesday!

Holy cow, we've been so busy we don't know which end is up right now.

Monday... I can't even remember because it was THAT long ago.

Tuesday was a marathon day. The preschool asked me to sub (usually my Mom's Day Out day) and while I was running around like a crazy woman getting kids showered, fed, out the door with lunches in tow, I noticed the dog acting funny (following me around with his head down and tail tucked). I asked Eric to keep and eye on him and I would evaluate when I got home from work. Eric ended up taking him to the vet before noon... They had to shave his neck to revel the issue. A HORRIBLE, NASTY staph infection covering the sides of his face and down his neck.

When I got home, I checked over the other dog and discovered he ALSO had wounds on his neck (though not nearly as bad as his brother). Both dogs are now sporting lovely naked necks with gross, oozing, scabby wounds. Both are on high doses of antibiotics, cortisone, and benadryl. And both are miserable as hell. : ( The vet has no idea what causes this, we were just given the vague answer that "Golden's are prone to this."

After rushing home with my sick, sick puppies, I had to drug them up and promptly take off again. Amanda and I had a Starting Kindergarten and Eric had to take Logan to his soccer game. Amanda and I had to skip out on the meeting early to make HER soccer game in time, but I'm happy to report she did MUCH better this time around. Apparently her brother got to go to Dairy Queen after his game (because he tried so hard) and SHE wanted a similar trip... Nothing like a little bribe to get your kids motivated, eh?

After returning home to check on my canine babies I discovered that Casey was exhausted but couldn't fall asleep (even with the help of benadryl!). He was trying to sleep with his head up but he would drift off and let his head drop and when his neck touch the floor it caused him so much pain it would wake him back up. : ( After I realized the problem, I flipped my 85 pound puppy onto his back and he immediately fell asleep. SO SAD! I ended up sleeping with him on the floor all night just to keep him propped up on his back.

I feel like a whole week happened all in one day.

I sure as hell hope it can't get worse than this.

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