Saturday, April 2, 2011

Soccer 'Tude

Well, my mother's curse has officially come true. "When you grow up I hope you have a little girl just like you!" And now it's true. Today was Amanda's first ever soccer game and I had a flash of insight as to what my next 13 years will be like. She is the most stubborn child the world has ever seen (since me!). She has decided (after asking me to sign her up for soccer) that the game just isn't for her. Now I can force her to wear the uniform, I can make her go to the games, but dammed if I can make her actually PLAY! And she KNOWS IT! She just stood there and watch the kids run by her with the ball. Half the time she even had her back to the action... just staring off into lala land, or playing in the dirt, or picking grass... Notice all the other players chasing the ball... that's Amanda in the back of the crowd, twiddling her thumbs.

And her SUPER positive coach... "Hey Amanda, the ball is over there!"

A... "What? Where? What game are we playing again?"

1 comment:

  1. That's a lot like how soccer went for us too. Hopefully she gets more into it later in the season!
