Monday, February 7, 2011

Gee Thanks

This morning Logan is hanging out in by bedroom while I'm getting ready and I try on a sweater and ask Logan if it looks okay. My lovely son says: "Yeah, Mom. You don't look fat at all in that." Gee thanks.

Then this afternoon, spending time with Amanda I compliment her on her outfit.
Me - "Those pants are super cute. I wish I had a pair just like them."
Am- "I don't think they come in HUGE."



  1. Oh those sweet lil' angels! :) Sounds like Ethan asking me the other day if I had a baby in my belly.

  2. OH NO! Sassy asked me the other day why my bedroom was such a pig-sty. :O Kids.

  3. Don't you just love how uncensored kids are?! Charlie all the time calls my stomach my boody and when I tell him it's not, he says it looks like one ;) They are just so sweet! BTW, I'm totally saving up for plastic surgery ;)
