Thursday, December 16, 2010

Too Much Of A Good Thing

Today at Logan's holiday party at school he was biting into a chocolate bar when...


I guess the dentist is right. Too much candy IS bad for your teeth!

Actually, his front tooth was growing in practically on top of the next tooth over. I'm pretty sure that was the real reason, but it was very exciting for everyone present (including my self, since I was helping with the party). His teacher gave him a super cute tooth necklace to put the tooth in and he put a tooth shaped sticker on the Lost Tooth chart in her room.
Then he had to show EVERYONE he passed is gaping, bloody hole in his head (really, just the size of a pencil eraser).

After much deliberation tonight, he decided to put the whole necklace under his pillow with a note to the tooth fairy to please leave the necklace when she takes the tooth. (if you are keeping track, the last 3 he hasn't put under his pillow because he wanted to keep them).


  1. What a cutie! I love his necklace...and his note :)

  2. That's a lot of teeth coming out!! :) I love toothless smiles (on kids only, of course.). How's the kitty cat surviving? I see he's still alive, at least!

  3. Yes, cat's doing fine... the dogs are still obsessed with him, but they are calming down some. Now if I can just get the kids to stop chasing him...
