Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Tootie Tot

On the way home from preschool today, Amanda said from the back seat:

A - "Sorry 'bout the tootie, Mom."

D - "No problem, Honey. I can't smell a thing."

A - "How 'bout now?"

And there she is with her knees touching her ears...

Not only did her actions "release the smell" it also caused uncontrollable laughter from her mother. I laughed all the way home. I mean, it's one thing for a cute little princess (in her pigtails and tights) to apologize for an accidental toot, but then to bend a## over tea kettle to permit me the pleasure of smelling said toot!!??!?! TOO DARN FUNNY! I must admit that I'm a little jealous... she can touch her knees to her ears!!! OUCH! I wish!
Here's the whole cute princess outfit... it was western day at Mom's Day Out today and this is what she chose to wear.


  1. What a hoot! I'm going to love catching up (keeping up?) with the little monkeys ! ! !
    Grandma Gayle

  2. Every time I see a picture of her, I see Carrie when she was little. What a cutie!

    Hope all is going well with Logan. Does he do a blood test each month? How long will he need to test?

  3. Logan is doing great. His next blood test is in two weeks. He'll have one blood test once a month for all of 2010, but they'll keep watch (probably with quarterly blood tests) until his 11th birthday.
