Last Monday, Logan was riding his bike WAY to fast and rather than slow down to avoid the tree hanging over the sidewalk decided to just ride around the tree in the grass. He hit something in the grass that caused him to become airborne and do a face plant on the sidewalk. His right side took the brunt of the fall, skidding up his arm, hand, hip, and leg. He was wearing a helmet so his face was saved from much of the sidewalk except for the bridge of his nose and under his left nostril (not sure how he managed that). When he got back home he calmly told me what had happened and said his wrist was starting to hurt too.
The next day his wrist was still bothering him. He couldn't pick anything up and moving his thumb was painful so off to the doctor we went for x-rays. Yep, the child has his first broken bone. He broke his scaphoid bone in his wrist so his thumb will need to be immobile too until it heals. The part of the bone that he broke doesn't get good blood circulation so his healing time will be longer than usual. He'll have 2 months in a cast then another month in a brace, best case scenario.
He's taking it all in stride and is in good spirits.